Gene Expression Summary
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- Check for typos, or try modifying your search.
- Searches are case-insensitive but follow required patterns, see 'Examples' section below
- Try using the wildcard character (*)
- Ensure that you are searching for the correct type. For example choose 'Gene Symbol' from the 'Search' drop down list or 'Flybase' if you're searching for a flybase id
To search for Gene Symbols or CG names, choose 'Gene Symbol' from the drop down list, enter any of the following alpha numeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9,{,})
CG2336, CG40267, CG17698 are examples of valid CG values
To search for Flybase IDs names, choose 'FBgn' from the drop down list, enter 'FB' plus the appropriate code numbers
FBgn0040005, FBgn0039952 or FBgn0032939 are examples of valid Flybase ID values
To search for Experiment IDs (EST), choose 'EST' from the drop down list, enter any of the following alpha-numeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9,-)
AT02427, RH16194 or AT13777-dg are examples of valid EST values
To search for Image Counts, choose 'Image Count' from the drop down list, enter any postive numeric value (0-100)
5, 40 or 78 are examples of valid image count values
To search for DGC Plates, choose 'DGC Plate' from the drop down list, enter any of the following alpha-numeric characters (A-Z,a-z,.,0-9)
RA.334, UG.50, AU.60 are examples of valid DGC plate values